5 May

Thanks For The Healers

by Jon Katz
Thanks For The Healers
Thanks For The Healers

I am grateful for the healers, the people I call when there is pain and suffering in me, or the people around me, or the animals in my care. Jason Weinstein is a healer, he is a large animal vet who was sensitive to the pain in Liam, to the worries of Suzy, a wonderful mother, and to me, he was careful to explain everything I needed to know.

In the past few years, when I realized that I was broken, I turned to one healer after another, they were always there, they always helped. Liam is not out of the woods, but he is in less pain and has a good shot of making it. He will be inside for a couple of weeks with Suzy. Jason and I both agreed that when he is a bit bigger, the donkeys will recognize him as a sheep and not an intruder.

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