20 July

“Who Speaks For the Horses? The Future Of Animals In Our World.” $3.99

by Jon Katz
"Who Speaks For The Horses?"
“Who Speaks For The Horses?”

I wrote “Who Speaks For The Carriage Horses: The Future Of Animals In Our World,” because the issue of the New York Carriage horses are important. To animal lovers. To people who care about compassion and the way we treat one another. To people who are concerned that the modern incarnation of the animal rights movement is driving animals out of our world, not saving them.

I believe in the rights of animals, I am not an ideologue or an angry conspiracy theorist. I have no idea secret machinations have occurred between New York politicians, real estate developers and the animal rights groups are. I do not label myself on the “left” or the “right.”

What I have found – I am a former journalist, investigative reporter and newspaper editor – is that the carriage horse story is not what it appears to be, not what it has been represented to be. The horses in New York are not abused,  not mistreated, not in need of saving and rescue. They are, in fact, among the most fortunate and well cared for  horses on the planet, doing the work draft horses have done for centuries, even thousands of years, with human beings.

I believe the true abuse has been inflicted on the people in the carriage trade, not the horses. They have broken no laws, committed no crimes, violated none of the hundreds of regulations that govern their work. Yet they have lived in fear and conflict for years, victims of a cruel and almost totally unjust and unfounded persecution.

The movement against the carriage trade is built on politics, secret meetings, lies, distortions and misrepresentations. It is not hard to find the truth in this story, it is right there for anyone to see.

If the horses in New York are being abused because they work, then so is my border collie, my guard-animal donkeys, the bomb-sniffing dogs of Amtrak, and the therapy and seeing eye dogs working all over the country to help people Animals who work with people survive in our world, animals who don’t vanish.

I hope you will read this book – it is available everywhere books are sold.if you like it, share it and recommend it. The lives of the horses are at stake, and so are the lives of the people who own and ride them. But as importantly, so is the future of animals in our world. Thanks.

That’s the story I set out to tell in this e-book, and a portion of the proceeds will go to the fund to save the horses.

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