8 February

Into The Whirlwind

by Jon Katz
Meeting The Storm
Meeting The Storm

I went out to meet this new storm this afternoon, it was so beautiful and mysterious I felt a chill up and down my spine. I feel as if the earth is speaking directly to me, it is very personal. The animals are in the Pole Barn, we just went out into the dark to shovel the paths – less to do in the morning. Tomorrow I will hole up in my study all day, working on my book. I went out and got some potstickers for dinner tomorrow, we have plenty of soup and I couldn’t find cheese popcorn, but I got some cheese puffs. I don’t think this storm will be especially huge here, maybe a foot of snow altogether.

I might even get to my new gym tomorrow afternoon. This image seemed beautiful to me, we went out in the storm to a friend’s house for dinner and I saw the storm enveloping a small farm across a huge field, it was almost eerily beautiful to me.

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