4 June

Fate Meets Her Vet

by Jon Katz
Fate Meets Her Vet
Fate Meets Her Vet

Fate went to the vet today for her first visit there, to get her rabies shot and check in with Dr. Suzanne Fariello, who has been our vet now through many ups and downs – Rose, Izzy, Frieda, Lenore, Red and now, Fate. Fate charmed the place, her tail was wagging the minute she arrived and she loved Dr. Fariello. She didn’t seem to even notice her lyme and rabies shots, she is coming back in three weeks.

Dr.  Fariello thought she was a great dog, strong-willed, smart, spirited and sweet. Fate is in love with the world, and the favor seems to be returned.

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