18 June

Working Together With Big Brother

by Jon Katz
Working With Big Brother
Working With Big Brother

It is especially poignant for me to see Red offering himself to Fate as such a patient and protective big brother. I have a big brother, and our relationship as always been a source of sadness for me. He moved out of the house when I was very young, and I never saw much of him after that. One time in each of our lives we managed to be there for each other, but it never took.

I gave up on having a big brother recently, I came to understand there were many good reasons why our relationship could not work, I decided to let it go, as he had done many years ago. It was too painful.  My sister told me I was just too dumb and slow to get it, she and I have often gone our separate ways but never given up on each other. She has no patience for my sentimentality and magical thinking, big sisters roll their eyes at little brothers.

Red is a faithful big brother to Fate, at least in my distorted eyes. He never resents sharing the sheepherding with her, he is happy to be in the background. I loved this morning’s lesson. Red was back in the yard, Fate was trying to push the sheep our of their corner, they were having none of it.

I let Red in, he came running up behind her, dropped to the ground and fixed his powerful eye on the sheep. Fate puffed up like a blowfish and stared at the sheep. Red stood up, the sheep stood back. Clearly, Fate thought she had done this herself, she was quite full of  herself. This gives her confidence, and without risk. With Red sitting there, the sheep were on their very best behavior.

I am glad that Fate has a big brother, I can see how important it is, even to a dog.

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