20 June

Treating Chloe

by Jon Katz
Treating Chloe
Treating Chloe

Maria spotted a swollen lump on Chloe’s ride side, a swelling, bite or some kind of growth. She called the Granville Large Animal Vet and they said it was probably an insect bite, there is a visible entry point or bite – she might have gotten poked by a stick in the rear pasture. They suggested hosing it down with cold water for five minutes twice a day. If it doesn’t get smaller, they said, call in a day or so.

We think it is already smaller, but we’ll keep an eye on it. There is no oozing of any kind and it is not sensitive to the touch. Chloe is like a border collie, a stoic, nothing much seems to bother her, or she just doesn’t show it. These two have a very strong connection, Chloe only gives Maria some trouble about riding, nothing else.

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