27 June

Horse Medicine: Bedlam Farm Open House

by Jon Katz
Bedlam Farm Open House
Bedlam Farm Open House

Poet Doug Anderson read from “Horse Medicine,” his new book of poems at the Bedlam Farm Open House, dedicated this time to art and poetry. And some fun sheepherding and donkey and pony visitations. Hundreds of people – not sure how many precisely – came from all over the place: Mississippi, Michigan, Minnesota, Florida and Canada. The rains held off, we stayed dry, did four rounds of herding with Red and Fate, both asleep at my feet.

The Open Houses get better and better, there is so much food feeling there. Four poets read from their works – Doug Anderson, Mary Kellogg, Kate Rantilla, Tom Atkins. It had so much feeling and so much meaning, I am grateful for it.

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