28 June

Portraits Of The Open House: The Wilsons From Mississippi

by Jon Katz
The Wilsons
The Wilsons

I met the Wilson’s Friday, they came walking up the driveway and gave me some big hugs. They came from Mississippi, and they joined us for pizza at the Round House Cafe. It was their first visit to our town. It was apparent to Maria and to me how much they loved one another, we were humbled that they came so far to see us. After dinner, we left, exhausted. The next morning Scott Carrino, the cafe owner called me to ask who they were. They saw how busy the cafe was and how tired Scott was and they mopped the floor, wiped the tables and helped do the dishes. He said they were there a long time. It meant a lot to us that people like that would come so far to see it, and I very much hope it was worth it for them. It sure was for us.

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