10 August

Fate’s First Ride With Red

by Jon Katz
Fate's First Car Ride
Fate’s First Car Ride

A couple of months ago, we took Red and Fate out on her first car ride. Fate is one of those dogs who is up for anything at anytime. She tried to emulate Red and jump up onto the seat, but her legs were too short and she kept bouncing off the car seat and onto the ground. Undeterred, she kept getting up and trying again.

If Red did it, she wanted to do it. I helped her up, she hopped up onto the seat I loved the image of her cuddling up against Red for this strange new experience. She didn’t bat an eye, she loves the car, she loves going anywhere at any time. She is the navigator now, directing the ride. But I’m glad I came across this photo, taken when she was even younger, it shows the bond that has developed between these two remarkable animals.

And she can jump up all by herself now, she almost always makes it.

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