17 August

Morning Walk. The Changing Landscape.

by Jon Katz
Morning Walk
Morning Walk

I love our changing landscape, it speaks of life itself, and of change and growth and love. A month ago, a pony appeared in the pasture and then, Maria rode the pony and now, in the morning they take a walk around the pasture. This morning, I released Fate from her herding work when I saw her staring out at Maria and Chloe on the other side of the field. “It’s okay, girl,” I said, go on, and in the way of the border collie, to whom one can sometimes just speak, she took off and joined this new walk. It was the first time, and Fate came and sniffed Maria, then sniffed Chloe, and a new ritual had begun.

It was beautiful in it’s own way, the changing landscape reflects life itself.

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