1 November

Libby At The Apple Stand

by Jon Katz
Dog Liberation
Dog Liberation

Hungry lawyers, anxious Boomer parents and overeager bureaucrats have succeeded in banning dogs from many offices, stores and public spaces in America. But in Vermont, dogs are at least equal to people in the law, if not superior. There are many sane things about Vermont. We stopped at Brown’s Apple Stand in Castleton this afternoon to get some apples and Libby, the store dog, jumped up on the counter to say hello, give me a lick and hope for a treat.

She came to the right people. Maria bought a piece of cheese to give her as a reward for being nice. Sometimes I look at Maria and wonder how a person like that went through so much and came out so nice (unless I tick her off and leave grease on the dishes.) It was good to see Libby. We need animals in our lives.

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