15 November

Running Into Scott: Friendship

by Jon Katz
Friendship: Running Into Scott
Friendship: Running Into Scott

Red and Scott Carrino (he runs the Round House Cafe in my town)  are close friends in the way that dogs and people can connect in a pure and nourishing way.  Scott and I are close friends also, but Scott doesn’t light up every time he sees me. These two love one another, for sure. Scott even lays down mats in the cafe when Red comes, Red is skittish about linoleum. Scott is pining for a dog, his ratty old dog Deo died last year, he was loved dearly.

But Scott is too busy running his cafe right now, he has no time for a dog. So whenever I go to the cafe I take Red along and keep him in the car, Scott comes out and Red comes out and the two bond with each other. I see you don’t have to own a dog to love one and know one. Scott brightens at the sight of read and Red is happy to be with him.

Friendship for sure. I read a Harvard Study once that found that men love dogs because they don’t speak, they make the perfect friends for me. There is something to that.


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