9 December

The Morning Kiss: What’s Important. The Antidote To Us

by Jon Katz
What's Important
What’s Important

The world can be ugly sometimes, human beings can disappoint us, quarrel, live in drama and confusion, hatred and conflict,  myself surely included. When I see Maria and her equines in the morning – today was “kiss” and “touch” training, I am reminded of how good the world is, how beautiful, how much life and connection.

She just beams with love and appreciation for life, as I do on, when I can call up my better self.

I told a friend that whenever three or more human beings gather, there is conflict and turmoil, it seems to be as much a part of human nature as breathing. Healing for me is to pay attention to those moments of love, community, beauty and connection. They are the antidote to us.

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