28 December

Bathroom Project Dog – Art Is Work, Too

by Jon Katz
Art Project Dog
Art Project Dog

Fate and Maria are much more alike than Maria realized. Fate has decided to become Project Dog on the Frieda Kahlo bathroom. She is following every step, sitting in the bathroom with Maria as she paints and mutters and scrapes and curses. (Take it from me, no art project is simple and straightforward, there is much drama and angst.) She came to the hardware store, and for me,every trip is a training opportunity, I had her lie down by the cash register where she could watch the paint being chosen.

Fate was as riveted as if there are sheep – there are dogs and there are border collies, I know of no breed as eager to be involved and helpful. Fate sat glued to the floor as the can was put into the shaker and shook. Fate is a big deal in the hardware, everybody comes over to give her a biscuit and hug her.

But she stayed for a full three minutes. Yes! She is back in the bathroom now with Maria, here we go again. Stay tuned. I’m going to get a brush. This week will be a half-work/half-holiday week for us. Normally, we would be working on a Monday morning, not choosing paint colors. I’m writing in the morning, blogging regularly, but trying to take it easier the rest of the day. My friend Cathy Stewart is up here from the big city (New York), she is coming over this afternoon, we are heading into the woods for a photo shoot.

Winter arrives tonight, snow, ice, wintry mix – three inches. Not a big deal, I don’t think. Maria just yelled “feeling good” from the bathroom. A good sign.

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