30 December

Greetings From Shirley In Oregon

by Jon Katz
Greetings From Oregon
Greetings From Oregon

One of the pleasures of my life is going to my Post Office Box (P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816) every day and getting the most loving and interesting and amazing messages from everywhere delivered in the form of cards and letters. Many of the cards and letters contain checks for subscriptions and payments for the blog, many are just lovely letters, musings and greetings from every part of the country and some of the world.

Today, one of the most engaging came, a letter from Shirley Foster in Gresham, Oregon with a heartfelt letter and a Christmas Money card made, it seems of $5 and $1 bills. It’s one of the most creative messages I’ve gotten in awhile, and I don’t believe I have the heart to break it up and spend the money. I guess I do wonder how much it is, but is quite sweet, an innovative way to look at a Christmas gift.

“My heartfelt thanks to you for sharing your lives, thoughts, artistry and creativity, fabulous animals, sense of community, and how it all fits together on bedlamfarm.com. Through your eyes, camera and words, I’ve seen the beauty of nature all around you, felt the joy in seeing simple things that most people do not see and reflecting upon them, and thinking how wonderful the Internet is to have brought so many like-and-not-so like minded people together in a global forum to share idea about any topic under the sun.”

Shirley said she is hoping to come to an Open House soon and meet us and the animals. I hope she does, I know she is someone I would love to meet and know. I imagine she is a hugger.

There is something wonderful about getting letters that people have taken the time to write by hand, then post and stamp and send. It requires a thoughtfulness and affection that is rarely transmitted online or through Facebook messages or tweets. I see that many people still write letters, and it is such a joy to read them, I feel as if I have traveled around the country some mornings.

“Please accept the enclosed small token of thanks to both of you to perhaps buy treats for the animals, Dahlia’s for your garden in the spring…whatever you decide to do with it. It’s from the bottom of my heart and soul to each of you.”

Your heart and soul are quite large, Shirley, you make what I do so worthwhile. The dogs, donkey and pony will get some treats. Even the barn cats.


Note: I see many people prefer paying for their subscriptions by check, I appreciate that. If you choose to do that, the annual subscription rate is now $75 per year, and you can send checks to P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. I am very grateful for these letters and messages (no money is necessary), I can’t begin to say what they have meant to both of us, we have the sweetest time sitting before the fire at night opening them and reading them to one another. They are an antidote to the harshness of the outer world. Don’t ever succumb to the greedy and evil messages of their news, Maria and I have been swimming on this stream of good people, they are plentiful and blessed. Thanks, Shirley.

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