31 December

Done: Cleaning Up The Frieda Kahlo Bathroom

by Jon Katz
Cleaning Up
Cleaning Up

We are done for the moment with our Frieda Kahlo bathroom touch-up. Maria (finally) settled on the colors, she went with orange/yellow and blue for the upper walls.  She finished this morning in a final burst, cleaned up and wrapped it up. Last year, we put some Mexican tiles around the bathroom.

In a way, this bathroom is a model of creativity and ingenuity. It cost little, changed much, and we had great fun doing it together. This time, I just painted the door and some walls and trim. I decided it best to stay out of the way, the artist was not happy the first day or so.

It is a lot of work in a way, but not so much in others. Maria loves applying to her creativity to our farmhouse, especially now that we know we are keeping it. We love working on it, and I recall this bathroom when we moved in, it was smelly, greasy, depressing. We have re-done the floors, the walls, stripped the wallpaper and drawn loosely on Kahlo’s love of strong and bright colors. it does have a tropical feel, and we are in no rush to get rid of the 50’s sink and cabinet, they give it the room a particular touch.

I love watching Maria apply her artistry to a room like this, it is like watching a good witch with a magic wand (a grumpy witch sometimes, don’t mess with the artist) spin and whirl through a room. I’m bugging her a bit to think about how to brighten up the dining room, a central that has no natural light, and is sometimes dark.

She keeps muttering that she is done with restoration for awhile, but the bug is in the ear, and if history is a clue, she will one day announce that we are heading to the hardware for supplies. Thanks for joining in, it was a pleasure to take a shower today. Fate, the Project Dog, oversaw every stroke, she seems to approve. Red could care less.

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