16 February

Still Life: The Last Day Of The Rose

by Jon Katz
Last Day Of The Rose
Last Day Of The Rose

Flowers are nearly unique in the natural world, there are few things that are so fragile, live such short lives, and share so much beauty while they are here. A couple of weeks ago, Cathy Stewart, a friend from New York City, visited us and brought some beautiful roses in a vase. We scattered them all over the house, they brightened almost every room that we have.

But roses, like other beautiful flowers, do not live that long in the dry air of winter, even under Maria’s watchful care. This small white one is the last Rose, it was in this small vase in the bathroom, and seeing that it is beginning to die, I brought it out for a last day in the sunlight on the table that Maria has just painted.

I believe it is happy there, even grateful.

I saw that it belonged there, it is the right place for the last day of a beautiful flower, and I hope I die as gracefully and well when the time comes.

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