19 February

Saturday: Milking Lessons For Me

by Jon Katz
Milking Lessons For Me
Milking Lessons For Me

I’ve spent a lot of time on farms, taking photos and taking to farmers, but I realized this week that I’ve never milked the cows. I asked Ed Gulley if I could come by and learn how to milk the cows, and he said sure, I’m going over there Saturday afternoon for the second milking and I’ll help Ed and do some milking myself and write about it.

I’m excited, I’ve always see this as one of those things other people do but not me, but since I love writing about small family farms I ought to learn more from the inside out. My friendship with Ed gives me a wonderful opportunity to learn a bit more about this hard and rich life.

So I’m going to the Gulley’s for the 6:30 p.m. Saturday milking. I’ll milk some cows. And take some photos of course. More lalter.

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