24 February

Barn And Farm Alchemy

by Jon Katz
Barn Alchemy
Barn Alchemy

Farms have a special alchemy to them, real farms are never like those Vermont calendars people love to buy, those clean and well ordered sylvan settings. Barns were almost always built by poor farmers in the cheapest possible way, they almost always are crumbling, rotting, decaying or falling down.

Farms are all junk heaps, farmers never throw anything they might use away, there is never anything new on a farm. We saved this old tire so the donkeys might nose it around, I doubt they ever even notice it, but it has become another one of those things that clutter the ground on a farm and give it character.

It just looks like it grew up out of the ground. I love trying to photograph the alchemy of the farm,  it challenges me to pay attention to the obvious, the things I always overlook.

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