25 February

How Red Learned To Play: Morning Light

by Jon Katz
Morning Light
Morning Light

We waked into the woods this morning just as the sunlight peeked through the clouds and lit Maria’s face and our way into the woods. Red and Fate Squared off, ready to chase each other down the path, as they do each morning with great joy.

Red is eight years old, Fate is nine months old, Red is a serious, workman-like agreeable creature, Fate is hell on wheels. Red never played in his years on the farm, he worked and hung around with me. Since Fate came, she has been laboriously working on loosening him up, getting him to play, and it is working.

In the woods especially, Red and Fate race each other down the long paths and back, through the woods. They play hide-and-seek. Red is transformed,  his eyes wide, his ears up. Fate will pop up behind a tree and circle around, Red will run back and forth looking for her.

With his sheep, he is all work. With me, he is all quiet companion. With Fate, his made and playful side has emerged, and I am  happy to see it. Fate is the Joy Dog, her enthusiasm and spirit are infectious.

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