2 March

The Bejosh Farm Journal: No Plans To Run Away.

by Jon Katz
The Bejosh Farm Journal
The Bejosh Farm Journal

The Bejosh Farm Journal is two weeks old and picking up steam, off to a great start. Carol and Ed Gulley, dairy farmers from White Creek, N.Y., have lots of stories to tell and lots of feelings to share. They are telling the story of the small family farm, an embattled and iconic institution in America. Ed believes the people who eat food need to understand more about the people raise and grow food. Two great stories this week, Carol’s account of bringing calves into the world, Ed’s anger and helplessness over the archaic milk pricing systems that keep most farmers broke. Check out the Bejosh Farm Journal.

The Bejosh Farm Journal is important and unique, very few small farmers have ever tried to tell their story, and Ed and Carol have it down. The blog is giving them a voice to the world. In our twisted system, the politicians and economists have decided small family farms are no longer efficient, not in the new global economy.

The farmers are stubborn and tough, like Ed Gulley. They have no  immediate plans to vanish.

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