4 March

Exploring Secrets Of The Ice. Serious.

by Jon Katz
Exploring The Ice
Exploring The Ice

Fate went out onto the ice again today, but this time, she was very serious. No skating, no pulling chunks of the ice out of the water. She was fascinated by the smell of the ice, she walked back and forth with her nose to the ground, pausing for long periods to sniff very carefully and pick up the stories of the pond.

I had, of course, no idea what she was doing or smelling, it is not for me to know. In the silly way of humans, I asked, “Fate what could possibly be so interesting in the ice that you would study it so carefully?”  She look at me with some pity, I thought. But I know that dogs see and hear and smell stories that humans will never see or know, they are their secrets. They pick up all the secrets out there with their noses.

Fate was exploring the secrets of the ice pond. Most people, like me, can  just walk by.

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