6 March

Fate’s Perspective

by Jon Katz
Fate's Perspective
Fate’s Perspective

Fate amazes and delights every day, she has not yet figured out how to intimidate or move the sheep very much, but she loves to be with them and stare at them, often from a good vantage point, like behind Red, next to me or underneath Chloe’s legs. Every living thing on the farm loves Fate, and she seems to return the favor, she even loves sheep more than the border collies I have known.

Today, she tried to give the sheep some idea using Chloe as a screen and the big pony, looked down started to nuzzle her, which I have to say is pretty adorable. Nobody much can resist Fate when she turns her Pirate Eye upon them. She is having a very happy life, I’m delighted to report, and that it what counts.

She did seem a bit started when Chloe reached her big head down to say hello, but she stayed there and rushed out to confront Liam, who charged at her and send her back underneath Chloe. She is safe there.

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