28 March

A Circle: Three Animals And A Human. Circle Of Love.

by Jon Katz
Three Animals And A Human
Three Animals And A Human

I stood in the pasture yesterday and watched Maria brush her pony Chloe, who was filthy from walking in mud and rolling in dirt. Chloe stands easily and quietly when she is being brushed, as she does. I saw this circle of love in my head. Red was lying in the background watching the sheep intently, as he does. Fate was watching Maria and the pony, occasionally glancing over at the sheep and running in circles around them, as she does.

Maria had a look of fierce concentration as she brushed the dirt off of her horse, who she loves. We need to pay attention to nature and animals if we wish to know them and care for them well. It seemed a beautiful tableau to me, of connection and harmony, everyone in their place, at ease doing what they do. Such moments are special to me healing and powerful in their own quiet way.

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