28 March

Fate’s Life: A Different Kind Of Story

by Jon Katz
A Different Kind Of Story
A Different Kind Of Story

Yesterday, Maria and I took two chairs out and sat in the pasture. We brought Fate and Red along, as usual. The donkeys came over to commune with us, Chloe nosed our pockets for treats. Red sat by me and watched the sheep. Fate went over and lay down next to them, she is becoming the Ferdinand of border collies, she loves to hang out with the sheep, but does not l like moving them or herding them.

The sheep are not bothered by her in any way, nor do they take any orders from her. She loves to sit out with them as they chew their cuds and contemplate life. For the usually frantic and busy Fate, this is spiritual down time. This was not the story I imagined, I thought she would be another Red for sure, she is so full of instinct.

When she came, we were resolved not to work with her and the sheep, she had so much interested we dropped that idea, but that wasn’t right either. We have found our balance now, she is very happy and at ease, she is a friend of the sheep more than a master of them. A different kind of story, but a beautiful story in its own way. The sheep would never lie down that close to Red, nor would he like it.

At every step of the way, the know-it-alls chuckled and scoffed. Oh, so you thought she wouldn’t herd sheep! Oh, so you thought she could train that young!  Oh, so she isn’t going slow enough! They are quiet now, of course, as am I, really. I had no idea what would happen, neither does anybody else.

This is why I love the idea of minding one’s own business, and not thinking I ever know what others ought to do. This is why I want to listen to me, not to the certainty of others. I have no idea myself what is going to happen until it happens, that is part of the glory and joy of life.

I love the freedom to make my own mistakes and score my own successes. Crisis and mystery, just around the corner, always.Sometimes you can’t determine the outcome of stories, they will find their own way. They are often our masters.

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