29 March

Morning Greeting

by Jon Katz
Morning Greeting
Morning Greeting

In the morning, new rituals. A farm is marked by rituals, chores and traditions. Waiting for us at the gate every morning is Chloe, Maria’s Haflinger-Welsh pony mare. Ponies are different from horses (and donkeys) and mares are different from other ponies. Chloe is affection, alert and always ready to eat. She reminds of a raptor, she watches the gate and has figured out that if the chain isn’t latched, the gate can be opened. I had a donkey – Carol – who did this.

This would never occur to sheep, or to most dogs. These two are happy to see one another, there is always the touching of a nose or two, Maria cleans the mud off of Chloe’s face, Chloe sits patiently while she is greeted. Then we go get hay and Chloe prances and dances with joy on the way to the feeder. A new ritual, a nice ritual.

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