15 May

I Think Of You

by Jon Katz
I Think Of You
I Think Of You

A friend of mine, a Buddhist teacher, asked me what I thought of when I saw my camera, the new monochrome purchased with donations from some of you. She said the bag and the camera are empty, but the people who contributed to my buying it fill it up.

I loved this idea and was touched by it. Whenever I use or look at my camera, I think of you, the scores of people who sent me contributions so that I could purchase my black and white monochrome camera. In exchanged, I promised to share the photos and what I have learned taking them, I have been doing that.

The camera is just a device but my heart fills up when I think of the letters, the envelopes, the cash and checks that so quickly filled up my post office box. The letters were from everywhere, all over the country, too many people to name here, but they all grasped the importance of learning, growing, changing, and also of the joy and power of sharing creativity with people who grasp its meaning.

They went to the trouble of writing checks, putting cash neatly into envelopes, writing me notes of thanks and appreciation. Think of it, people thanking me for taking money from them. Some people, perhaps made hard and cynical by life, could not grasp the beauty of it. I will not forget it.

So I wanted you to know that whenever I look at the camera, I think of you, your letters and names and good wishes flash through my mind, they sit in a big basket so that I can write back to each one of you and thank you personally. I have begun doing that.

I also hope to thank you by taking good and interesting photographs and giving them back to you, as promised. I think of you.

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