4 June

The Apple Tree Gallery: A Very Old Feed Can Finds A New Home

by Jon Katz
An Old Feed Can Finds A Home
An Old Feed Can Finds A Home

We have a new gallery at the farm, a spot under the apple tree near the pasture gate. Last year, our big old pine tree blew down, and there is no shade in the corner,  so we liberated our two rocking chairs from the barn cats on the porch and moved them under the beautiful old apple tree, which gives us beauty and shade. The bird bath moved to corner.

In our barn was a very old feed can, we aren’t certain but we think it’s at least 100 years old, maybe more. It is big and heavy and beautiful in its own way. I had the idea to free it and bring it into the house or out on the grass, where we could re-invent it as the perfect table. We often sit and eat out there and it is great space to put water and food, high enough to be out of reach of chickens.

Instantly, a small vase with some beautiful flowers appear – the genie/artist had struck. I often objectify old things, they seem to me to have so much more character than new things, which are thin and highly disposable. Our new garbage cans last a year or two, this one is going strong after at least a century.

It’s iron handles speak if a different time, I am happy for it to join our new gallery – a good place to take photographs in the summer – and for it to come out of the darkness and into the light. Are is where you see it and find it.

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