12 June

In Honor Of Life, Of Orlando. Trees For Life

by Jon Katz
Our Life Memorial
Our Life Memorial

We planted two trees, we thought of it as a life memorial, but also to remember the people in Orlando. Some politicians are already demanding that we get angry, but my hope and prayer is that we become less angry, not more. There is plenty of anger.  I have worked so hard to be less angry, and I am less angry than ever before in my life, and I can tell you it is a good and healing and hopeful thing.

I do not ever trust anyone who sells anger, anger and hate are the scourges of the world, the architects of all of the Orlando’s, and there are too many to count or remember. We choose life, and we choose help. This ugliness will pass, and we believe in better days, not angrier ones.

That is what these two trees now mean to us. Trees for life.

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