14 June

Ed Gulley Storms The Open House: Meet Mahonga Heila

by Jon Katz
Ed Gulley And Mahonga Heila
Ed Gulley And Mahonga Heila

We went to the Gulleys today, Maria wanted to take a video of Ed Gulley for the Open House next week – June 25-26. Ed and Carol had their portable studio out, they were painting their wooden flowers and Ed showed us his new creation, made from an old sawblade, he calls her Mahonga Heila, I call her Ms. Hedgehog. It is the coolest kind of thing for a lawn, people are already trying to buy it.

Ed is bringing all of his creations to the Open House next week, and we are excited forĀ  him and for Carol, the artist inside of him is shrieking to get out, and it is coming out. Ed is a sculptor as well as a folk artist, and he will also give a talk at the Open House about farming and his blog and his art. We are very happy to know him and Carol.

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