23 June

Greeting The Vet. A Great Report Card For Fate’s Health

by Jon Katz
Greeting The Vet
Greeting The Vet

Fate went to the Cambridge Valley Vet this afternoon for her rabies and distemper shot, she loves seeing Dr. Fariello there, and she sat mostly still for her shots. Fate’s sweetness emerges all the time, and she has many friends all over town. I appreciate Suzanne Fariello, her protocol for treating Red’s lameness is really working for him, and she is trying some innovative things – laser, massage, and soon, acupuncture.

These are creative treatments, I believe, and I am open to them. I’ve lost several border collies at too young an age – especially Rose and Izzy – and I am determined to be pro-active with Red and explore maintenance therapies. He is nine, and slowing down a bit. I want to make sure has has good years. Dr. Fariello said Fate was in amazingly good health – heartbeat, pulse, body muscle, weight, eyes. Good to hear.

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