4 July

American Gothic: The Clothesline. Fourth Of July

by Jon Katz
The Clothesline
The Clothesline

I’m figuring out my infrared camera slowly (thanks, John DeAtley and others), using different camera settings. The challenge is in understanding that the camera is seeing things I cannot see in ways I cannot anticipate, so there is a lot of trial and error, a lot of thinking, a lot of experimentation. I feel I am closing in on it.

I saw this clothesline in the back yard blowing in the wind and the dogs waiting by the back door, and it seemed a quintessentially American photograph to me, especially on the Fourth Of July. This is the kind of shot I hope for, something different and startling, the photos say “hush” to me, they have a spiritual quality, perhaps because they show light as it really is, not as we humans see it.

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