7 July

A World Without Farriers: Helping Ken Norman

by Jon Katz
Helping Ken Norman
Helping Ken Norman

If we want there to be farriers in the world, and fierce individualists like Ken Norman, we have to work to make sure that they stay with us. Lots of farriers give up this work when they grow older – it is grueling, all of their knees and backs are shot. Many quit for steadier incomes, humane working hours, less dangerous work, or suffer debilitating injuries and limp.

Ken Norman is hanging on, and his recovering well, but he needs help.

He has launched a gofundme project asking for $8,000,  and he has raised more than $5,200 in two days. He needs to fix his shoeing truck transmission and also buy hay for the winter. Ken does not say no to people, he fights for farmers and horses every day of his life. He intends to do his work for a good long while. But he needs some help to get over some bumps.

He will put every penny and more he gets to good use.

A lot of life has happened to Ken and his wife Eli in the past year and a half – two knee replacements, surgeries on Eli’s broken wrist, expired trucks, broken transmissions. Eli  has not been able to work for nearly a year. But there are more horses and donkeys than ever that need care and rescue.

Meanwhile there is a business to operate, a farm to run, a child to feed and 33 horses and donkeys, most of them rescues, to care for.

People like me – and maybe you – could not have the lives we have with animals if not for people like Ken. He is a big man with a big heart, and there are far too many people and animals he has helped to count. I do not wish to live in a world without farriers and people who have callings rather than jobs.

I can tell you from personal experience that Ken, the King of Grunt and Grumbling, does  not like to ask for help. When he needs it, it is the real deal. Take a look at this worthy man’s very real need for help, and if you wish to and can, thanks. You can see it  here.

Ken is close to having what he needs to get through this time. Thanks for considering it, and thanks for helping, if you can.

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