16 July

Fly Relief. Pony From Mars.

by Jon Katz
Fly Relief
Fly Relief

Our summer fly campaign to help Chloe be more comfortable is going well. As horse people know, flies can be an awful plague on horses, the huge horseflies swarm and bite. We do several things. We have good creams and sprays that repel flies and heal their bites – we apply them every other day to her haunches, face and ears. We have shelter in the Pole Barn where the flies usually don’t go.

And we are alternating fly masks that keep them off of her face and eyes. Chloe seems to get the point of the fly mask, she accepts it happily and easily. We like this new mask, it forms a kind of bubble to her eyelashes don’t brush against the mesh. I told her she looks like a pony from Mars.

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