17 July

Kelly And Her Puppies: Thanks Again

by Jon Katz
Kelly And Her Puppies
Kelly And Her Puppies

I went to Kelly Nolan’s house yesterday to meet her two surviving puppies and get a photo of them. They look pretty sweet, as puppies do. Kelly wanted me to thank you all again for your generous help in paying off her $1,300 veterinary bill.

I met Zoey, the puppies sweet mother. Mom and puppies are doing well.

When Kelly adopted Zoe, she didn’t know she was pregnant. From the first, the birth went badly. Kelly lost three puppies and saved two, and Zoey as well. Kelly felt she had no choice but to do everything possible to save the dog and some of her babies.

People on the blog sent enough money to cover Kelly’s costs in two or three days, it was an amazing demonstration of the goodness of people when given the chance. A lot of you know what it’s like to save an animal you love and run up some big bills in the process.

You’ve been in Kelly’s shoes.

I’ve been taken photos of Kelly and putting them up on the blog for months now. She works part-time at Foggy Notions, known locally as The Bog. She waits tables, ferries food, tends the bar. She has one of the most beautiful and natural smiles I’ve ever seen.

She is a devoted mother and wife and daughter and sister. Kelly is a strong woman. Many people flinch or grimace when they see a camera, strong women looked the camera in the eye and dare me to touch the shutter. Kelly never blinks or flinches at the camera, and she reminds me that the camera does not lie.

The camera judges people truthfully and without guile. After a few visits to the Bog, it felt as if Kelly were my friend, not just taking orders. I imagine that’s true for a lot of people.

Life can be scarring and disappointing, but Kelly handles life the same way she handles her difficult job: with grace. In that way, she is an inspiration to me and to others.

These are painful times in our country, there is much anger and hurt and cruelty. Kelly reminds me to think of the small acts of good and mercy, of doing things that are good.

This one certainly felt good, and I thank you very good people from all over the country who stepped outside of yourselves and wrote all those letters and sent all those checks and folded all those paper bills into envelopes and sent them along to Kelly.

You did good and you lit some candles on some dark days.

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