17 July

Portrait: Tyler, Woodstacker

by Jon Katz
Tyler Lindenholl
Tyler Lindenholl

We have three cords of wood to stack, Tyler Lindenholl, fresh from a wrestling championship in upstate New York, came over to begin stacking the wood in the shed. It was a hot and sunny day, he doesn’t seem to feel it. It’s great having Tyler back in our lives, he works hard and eagerly and without complaint.

It’s a lot of wood.

He’s like family.

I have a bicycle in the garage that i’ve not ridden in several years, I just am not drawn to biking. Tyler asked if he could buy it, but I wasn’t comfortable with the idea of selling it to him, as I don’t use it. I told him to take it, we’d work something out down the road. But I don’t really want anything for it, and he will use it well.

I’d like to put a portrait of Tyler in my portrait show.

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