5 August

Happy Dream, Future Quilt?

by Jon Katz
Happy Dreams
Happy Dreams

I had some happy dreams last night and Maria said if I wrote them down she would make a quilt that was inspired by them. Maria does not, of course, follow anyone else’s idea of a quilt, so it would be her own interpretation, but I would love to see her do it, I know it would be wonderful.

Maria and I both have a lot of dreams, not too many of them are happy, you can move beyond the past, but it never leaves you, it is a part of who you are.

In my dream, a dozen or so of her goddesses were hold hands and dancing in a circle around a fire. They were surrounded by trees, I remember an big owl with one eye closed watching them, he seemed to be smiling. Across the forest, a band of vultures were singing and also dancing, they were having a secret festival of joy.

One tree was alive with small birds, they were flying in a circle. And Shekinah, the Divine Feminine of the Kabbalah and of the prophets, was racing across the sky in her chariot, chasing after God to remind him that his work of creation – the earth – was incomplete. She was trailed by a cloud of cherubs with wings, and some angels.

In the background, a giant and smiling sun was rising over the forest, his rays of light were streaking out in every direction, he was radiant and joyous. Around the perimeter of the trees, a Peaceable Kingdom of animals peeked through the treesĀ  – dogs, rabbits, deer, sheep – and bushes to watch the Goddesses dance (there were fish in the sky, too, leaping out of water, off to one side.) I’m not sure, but I think even the trees were dancing.

That’s what I remember about my happy dream, it was a riot of color, sunshine, a celebration of life. I can’t imagine making a quilt out of all that, but then, I’m no artist. I was grateful for the dream.

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