9 August

Laundromat, Outside of Chester, Vt. Waiting For The Dryer.

by Jon Katz

Laundromats are the almost exclusive province of the poor, the mobile and rootless. Almost everyone has access to a washing machine or dryer,  laundromats are vanishing in middle-class communities. I always try to stop and photograph them when I found them.

Inside, there was a couple reading the paper and waiting for their clothes to dry. They told me they live in a small trailer, there’s no room for a washer or dryer there. At first, they were wary of being photographed, then I told them who I was and showed them my blog on my Iphone.

They said they would be happy to pose. I told them I loved photographing laundromats, while they were still around. They said they loved laundromats as well, they were comfortable and safe places to them. They have a soda and read the paper and eat some potato chips from the vending machine.

The gentlemen came out to the car and urged me to come back in as I was leaving, he wanted to make sure I noticed the old Montgomery Ward “laundromat” sign outside. “You remember Montgomery Ward?,” he asked.

I said I did.

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