15 August

Mid-Summer: When Flowers Start To Die. Holy Sparks.

by Jon Katz
When Flowers Start To Die
When Flowers Start To Die

I think flowers die more beautifully and with more character than almost any living things I know. Around this time of summer, the light begins to change, the leaves begin to tatter, the flowers start to die. This is a wrench for me, because color and light means so much to me. I consider flowers to be holy sparks from the sublime holy world, and their fading is a window into the nature of life. We all fade, I hope to see our own fading as being as beautiful as the fading of flowers.

They tell me autumn is coming, the season of rebirth and change, the gateway to winter, the most beautiful time of year in many ways, These garden flowers reveal the narrative of life and time, one in full flower, one in change, one gone. What more touching parable of life itself.

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