19 August

Portrait: Music At The Round House

by Jon Katz
Alice Jenkins
Alice Jenkins of “Stories Told.”

Sometimes, the crowds at the Round House Cafe are big and loud on pizza night, the cafe can be jammed. Tonight was a sweet summer evening, a mellow night, a two -member group called “Stories Told” sang some beautiful folk and contemporary harmonies at the cafe,  a small but attentive crowd.

I was struck by singer Alice Jenkin’s expressive fact, I took her portrait.

There was something special about tonight there, it was a soft night, there was a rich sense of community in the cafe. Scott and Lisa Carrino were refreshed after a short vacation, the pizza operation was running smoothly, the pizza was delicious and Lisa brought me some of her very wonderful gaspacho soup, a favorite thing for me to eat in the summer.

Maria and I didn’t intend to stay, but we were drawn into the sweet evening, and the lovely music of Jenkins and her partner, Gary Moon. As I am increasingly drawn to to, I wanted to capture the feeling in Jenkins singing, hard to do in a photo, but I liked this one.

I admire singers. Even more than writers and other artists, they stand up there in front of people and just put themselves out there.

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