21 August

Biddy (And Giselle). Coming To A Farm Near Us (Ours)

by Jon Katz
Coming Soon
Photo by Treasure Wilkinson

Gibby the Romney is scheduled to come to Bedlam Farm tommorrow, Monday morning. The truth is, Maria and I couldn’t really bear to leave her, she is a beautiful sheep with unusual markings. She’s a jumper, but Red and I will handle that. Giselle, her fellow ewe in need of  rescue is coming also.

We couldn’t leave Giselle in her temporary home all alone. And all of this gorgeous new wool will make Maria and her many yarn customers very happy. We will have four new Romney ewes, they all are beautiful and grounded animals with amazing wool. They will have transformed our flock, given Red some good and hard work to do.

There were four ewes in need of homes, we took one, and then Treasure and Donna went to work. I have to be honest, it was me more than Maria who wanted to take in these sheep, their plight just got to me.

Their very loving owner was evicted from her farm and she is very pleased they are finding new homes.

And we do have room and a herding dog, blah-blah, you’ve all heard the rationalizing before.

And here’s the kicker. Biddy and Giselle may be pregnant, they’ve been living with  Romney ram for two months. So it could be even more exciting, especially since the lambs would be born smack in the middle of winter. I love Biddy’s markings, very cool.

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