1 September

Miss Pearl: Waiting For Robin

by Jon Katz
Miss Pearl
Miss Pearl

I went to Brooklyn today with Maria to meet my granddaughter Robin, and I was happy to see Miss Pearl again, some of you may recall that the lived on the first Bedlam Farm until my daughter pleaded with me to let her take Pearl to Brooklyn seven or eight years ago. It was  good decision for her, for Emma. Pearl is a grand dog, a champion show dog, she has two titanium legs and the sweetest disposition of any dog alive.

Emma has given her a wonderful life in Brooklyn, exercised her thoughtfully and well, provided her with the best care and showered her with love. Pearl is quite old now, we have thought for several years that she is nearing her time, she has slowed down quite a bit and is still for much of the day.

She remembers me and Maria as well, it was nice to have her head in my lap again. It is clear to all of us, I think, that Pearl was waiting for Robin, hanging on to  see her and get to know her. Pearl has already lived a long time for a lab, and it is wonderful that Robin will get to experience so sweet and faithful a creature.

I just got home and I’m not quite ready to write about meeting my granddaughter, I’ll do that in the morning. Maria and I walked for miles in the city today after seeing Robin and we are worn out.  I just wanted to share Pearl’s photo before I went to bed and her touching reality and devotion to Emma. Seeing her, I doubt it will be long now.

I think Pearl hung on for Robin, I’m sure of it.

Dogs and donkeys can sense babies in wombs, I’m sure she heard Robin’s heart and heard her move.

She wanted to be there for this chapter in Emma’s life, the two are woven together.

Many people thought it was awful to send a Yellow Lab to Brooklyn, it was one of the most living animal decisions I ever made, she could not have had a better  home anywhere. Now, she is here to see the next chapter, one she will miss.

I’ll write about my visit in the morning. Good to be home and see that Brian and Sandy Adams brought over 90 bales of hay and put it in the barn. I love this about the country, they didn’t care if we were home or not, they stacked in neatly and beautifully, they told us they weren’t worried about payment today, they know we’re good for it, some deals in the world are still made on trust and handshakes.

We are ready for winter. Pearl, you have a great heart, I can hear it from far away.

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