15 September

Book Talk Dog. Red Works His Magic.

by Jon Katz
Book Talk Dog
Book Talk Dog

Red is spectacular at everything he does. He is an amazing herding dog, a wonderful therapy dog and a star book talk dog. He is  anxious on linoleum floors, but manages to greet almost everyone who wants to meet him. There are always crowds around him eager to touch him, talk to him. Red projects safety and sweetness, I have never trusted a dog as much as I can trust him.

He has greeted to many people at so many libraries and book talks. This one was a good chance for me to learn how to talk about my next book “Talking To Animals,” I am always asked about my theories of visualizations and it is good to talk about it and get ready for the Spring.

It is astonishing, the ease with which Red has slipped into my life, I am so fortunate to have him. I looked up and saw all kinds of hands on him, and just smiled. He is working his magic.

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