18 September

Portrait Show: A Celebration

by Jon Katz
Celebrating Community
Celebrating Community: Photo by Maria Wulf

I thought the portrait show reception was wonderful, almost all of the photo subjects and their families showed up, the Round House was jammed, I was delighted that Kelly Nolan, who inspired the show, could come by, she was greeted like a rock star. People came from lots of different places, and the Carrinos put out a classy food spread.

I was in bed all day with a cold, but was not about to miss the reception. I had trouble speaking and  getting through coughing fits, but it was a wonderful celebration of community for me, and I hope, for some others. George Forss talked about his printing techniques, Treasure Wilkinson came by and talked about her alcoholic goat. I had to take another shot of Kelly, she inspired the idea of the portrait show, and I’d love to do a Kelly show all of its own. She is a class act.

The show ran from 2 to 4, and there was a great feeling in the room. Sold two of the portraits already.

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