19 September

Kelly Nolan At The Bog

by Jon Katz
Kelly Nolan At The Bog
Kelly Nolan At The Bog

I took Maria out to the Bog tonight to celebrate her purchase of airline tickets to Calcutta (Kolkata), she will get to spend six hours laying over at the Dubai Airport, which is supposed to resemble a vast mall. We got a good rate on the plane – booking early helps, and a chance to reserve window seats both ways.

I decided not to take my camera, I took photos of Kelly yesterday at the portrait show reception, I thought she might need a break.

It was quiet at the Bog, Kelly was there, her daughter Riley came by to say goodnight and get a hug. Of course, I regretted not bringing my camera, I usually take close-ups of Kelly, I thought it would be nice to set the shot back a bit from the bar.

Maria laughed, I got up and took out my Iphone and shot Kelly there, she laughed and so did the people at the bar, who are used to me know. “We won’t be able to come here,” said one of Kelly’s customers, “she is getting too famous.”

What is this compulsion, I wonder, this relationship of a photographer to a subject. I’ve read about it many times, it is common, I feel connected to Kelly in some important and very positive way. She inspired me, the portrait series began with her, and I am empowered to try and capture the souls and spirits of people.

It’s like fuel in a way, it’s important to me, and if I don’t put a photo of Kelly up weekly, I hear about it online. Kelly inspires other people as well, I don’t think she knows why or thinks much about it, and I don’t know why. Maria said she thought it was great that I had to get up and take a photo of Kelly. I think so too.

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