3 October

Video: Ed Gulley Brings His Folk Art Creations To Bedlam Farm

by Jon Katz

Ed Gulley broke his original and evocative folk art sculptures – all made from salvaged engine and machine parts on his dairy farm to Bedlam Farm today, they will be shown and put up for sale at our Open House this weekend, and I wanted everyone, even those who can’t be here, which is most of you reading this, to get a look at them

Ed is an artist, and his sculptures are revealing his imagination, whimsy and sense of style. i especially love his Hot Dog, made out of a tractor spring, a wondrous Goose sculpture for the lawn, and his very beautiful and  weathered wind chimes. They make the most beautiful sounds.

They will all be sold at the Open House this weekend, and can also be seen on the Bejosh Farm Journal, the home page of Ed and Carol Gulley, and Maria’s website.

Ed and his wife Carol are long-time dairy farmers, but the artist in  Ed is shouting to come out, and  that is well underway.

Come and see. All of his outdoor creations are for sale.


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