5 October

Video: Fate’s Limp, Ed Gulley’s Chimes And The Elegant Goose

by Jon Katz

This is the first in a series of videos today exploring our new and experiment You Tube sales initiative for Maria and the other artists in the Open House. We are making this work available to anyone who follows our work and reads our blogs, as has been requested for several years.

The first day was a resounding success, Maria sold all of the wool scarves, a  ton of pincushions, and Ed Gulley’s dog sculpture. This video shows Fate before she goes to the vet – you see the  remarkable stoicism of border collies – and Maria plays some tunes on Ed’s chimes.

Ed is a dairy farmer now blooming as a folk artist. All of his materials come off the farm and it’s equipment, the sculptures are the farm in many ways.

I am loving these videos, we’re into them.

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