11 October

Book Deal: Gratitude And Excitement

by Jon Katz
Gratitude And Excitement
Gratitude And Excitement

I’m happy to share the good news that my publisher and I reached an agreement this morning – after a couple of months of tough negotiations – for them to buy my 30th book, “Lessons From Bedlam Farm,” to be published in the Spring of 2018. (My next book, “Talking To Animals,” will be published in May of 2017.)

They told

Publishing has changed radically since the Great Recession, and I accepted a smaller amount than I have received for a number of years.  Hardcover books are not going away, they are holding their own, but sales for mid-list authors like me (between the big best sellers and the small literary books) are way down, and will probably stay way down.

I am happy with the final number, it also includes some incentives and bonuses – if “Talking To Animals” does well, I will get get more money. If it doesn’t, I’m probably toast – that is the Darwinian law of publishing, and rather than bitch and moan about the new world, I embrace it and accept it.

I won’t get the new camera I wanted, but I might squeeze a new lens out of it all. Acceptance is a powerful spiritual ideal, it prepares us for every part of life, including death.

I am very fortunate to have book contracts to fuss over, and as much as I value my blog, I also love being a book author. That is something I wanted to be my whole life, and the fact that I am still doing it and am still being offered book contracts is a miracle to me. I will never complain about it.

The book will be a mix of E.B. White And James Harriott, I will chronicle the lessons of the farm, month by month, focusing on the animals and what they teach me and also observing rural life and the life of the farm. My editor has asked if I could take some black and white photographs to go with each chapter. I sure can.

As always Maria has supported the book part of my life, she never focuses on the money, always on the larger purpose and meaning. She anchors me and demands that I fulfill the best parts of me.

When E.B. White left New York City for his farm in Maine, he meant to life the country up as it struggled through World War II. I hope to life people up as we all work to adapt to a divided country, and hope it can come together.  You will not be reading about that in my book, we are a Peaceable Kingdom here, life is not perfect, but it is rich in love, hope and change.

The farm has, in many ways, been my mother, it teaches me how to life and accept life. So I am very happy today, Maria is taking me out to dinner to celebrate my book deal and her very successful art show at the Open House. Tomorrow we both rise very early as I head to New York City and help Emma and her new daughter Robin make some phone calls for Hillary Clinton.

My job is not on the phone, but in the background, I will show Robin a slice of her new world. I feel light and easy about my new book, I can’t wait to start writing it next week.


If you wish to pre-order Talking To Animals,  you do so  here, this is Battenkill Bookstore site, I will sign and personalize any book purchased there, and we are searching for incentives -tote bags, notecards, postcards – to send back with your book. The bookstore takes Paypal as well as major credit cards. They are especially nice, and you can also call them at 518 677-2515.

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