18 October

First Light: Equine Rebellion

by Jon Katz
Equine Rebellion
Equine Rebellion

It’s supposed to be 80 degrees here today, and I recall many Octobers when we already had snow on the ground. Climate change is disturbing, but to a photographer, it is also beautiful. Today,a kind of Equine rebellion. Some days for reasons of their own, the donkeys and the pony, Lulu, Fanny and Chloe decide they prefer a pasture to the one we have chosen.

This morning, we opened up the back pasture, at Lulu’s Crossing. The equines decided they wanted to go to a different pasture, and when that happens, they simply stand and walked towards the pasture they prefer, and wait for us to give in.

We do not give in, we opened the back pasture, walked back to the pole barn, raked out the manure and had breakfast. Chloe and the donkeys were kind of outraged, they brayed and whinnied in protest, then gave in and headed out to the back pasture. You cannot lose those arguments with farm animals if you wish to have a sane and orderly life. It was neat to see them preening and posturing out there, Chloe kept starting at the other gate as if she could will it to open.

Then the gave in and went to join the sheep. Warm and misty mornings make for nice photographs.

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