19 October

Guests For Dinner

by Jon Katz

Guest For Dinner

Sometimes we invite ourselves to dinner with the sheep. They seem happy to have us.

Maria is more agile than I am, she can sit right down at the table, I usually hover nearby with our camera, Red keeps an eye on things from behind, Fate runs around in circles. The sheep feel safe around us, which is nice, and eating with them is a form of communication of bonding. It is a way we have of talking to them, listening to them, getting to know them. It is a beautiful experience, a sweet one.

Food is one of the ways we establish trust and communicating, food is life for these animals, if you share the experience of eating, they will come to trust you.

__ (If you are interested in learning more about talking to animals,  you can pre-order my book here.We’ll send you a tote bag along with a signed book.)

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